Saint Louis Art Museum, Bequest of Morton D. May 843:1983

New York, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Given anonymously (by exchange), 6.1942.a-c.© 2018. Digital image, The Museum of Modern Art, New York / Scala, Florence

Originalfoto: Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, München, Max Beckmann Archiv. Fotograf: unbekannt

Courtesy Villa Grisebach, Berlin

Collection Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John Cowles, Sr. 1964

Archiv Eigentümer(in) / Owner's archive

Hamburger Kunsthalle. Foto: Elke Walford

Saarlandmuseum Saarbrücken, Stiftung Saarländischer Kulturbesitz. Foto: Tom Gundelwein

akg-images 5010389

Board of the Trustees of the University of Illinois on behalf of its Krannert Art Museum University of Illinois. Purchase through the Festival of Arts Purchase fund 1950-2-1

Saint Louis Art Museum, Bequest of Morton D. May 867:1983